Sunday, August 16, 2009

Other firsts for Michaela in the U.S.A.

Her first real, belly laugh occurred while playing with her Gramps on this bed on July 13. I could even hear the giggling from the other room. Unfortunately, we don't have a pic of that exact moment, but the two of them spent a lot of time playing and bouncing on the bed during the trip. As you can see in this pic, he used his bouncing on the bed to put babies to sleep skill that he acquired 33 years ago from a similar baby, Auntie Jami.

First family wedding - cousins Damien and Maryia - in Maine, July 17. As you can see, Grandpa also has the touch with Michaela after all his practice 28 years ago with her same exact temperament daddy.

First time to Hosanna, the church where her daddy grew up going and where her grandma works, July 26.

First time cooking with Grammy, Aug. 3.

More to come at a later date.

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