Saturday, September 12, 2009


The clinic on-post lost its pediatrician recently, so after weeks of calling for an appt, we finally got a referral off-post, and Michaela saw the German ped. today. I hope we can stick with him. He is the one that examined Michaela in the hospital when she born and did the ultrasounds of her heart and hips. Anyway, the office visit is just a lovely experience. We walked in at 10:00 and out at 10:25, were offered water and coffee as soon as we entered, only waited about 3 minutes for the doctor who also did the vaccinations himself so no waiting in the middle for that either...wonderful. Oh, and it was a Saturday!

Anyway, Miss Michaela is still very healthy. She weighed about 14.5 pounds (6.61 kg), and they measured her at 67 cm (which I think was a little off cause that is like 26.5 in., and I measured her last week at 25.5 in.), with a head circumference of 41.5 cm. According to my charting of these measurements, that would put her at 95th percentile for height, 75th for weight and about 65th for head. She got more shots and did okay with that. She did the thing where she cries so hard that she pretty much stops breathing for a second or two. Michael had never seen her do this before and did not like it. She was fine as soon as he picked her up though. After hearing about her bowel changes this week and feeling her gums, the doctor seems to think that teeth are imminent. Michael and I both got our first teeth at 5 mo., so we'll see what happens. She definitely exhibits lots of signs and symptoms of teething, but I know these can last for a long time before a tooth actually appears.

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