Today just may be the day! We were just at the hospital last night for fetal monitoring (they call it CTG in Germany but what we Americans call NST). They do them weekly here starting at 36 weeks and since the due date passed on Saturday want them every 2 days now. Anyway, everything was fine and dandy and absolutely NO contractions or anything happening. However, I was awoken with a quite real contraction at 4:00am and have been having them pretty steady and closer together ever since. I was amazed how fast they went from 15 min apart to 10 to 5. I really didn't get much sleep (maybe 2-3 hours) and know I will be needing my birthing partner's support later on, so I am trying to distract myself while he sleeps a little longer. If they stay this steady (about 4 min apart now) and strong, I think we will be headed to the hospital about the same time he normally heads to work. Will let you know when we have updates either way (baby or false call).
And please pray for me/us today if you are reading this today...I really want to do this naturally, and these contractions are so strong already! I can't imagine what it's going to be like in a few hours! OW! Thank you in advance.
Stay strong, Amber! Saying a prayer right now! XOXO