when he/she is ready. The mucus plug was lost on Tuesday, so I began to think that the baby may come sooner than I thought. (I have been thinking the baby would come late since the beginning of the pregnancy.) I cleaned the whole house just in case labor was imminent, but don't worry, nothing happened. Supposedly, many people do go into labor within 48 hours of losing the plug, but it can take up to weeks later. I went to the dr. yesterday for check-up (and because I wasn't sure if there was a slow trickle of amniotic fluid leaking). I saw the half-American (he claims to be American but one would never know), and he did an ultrasound and said there was plenty of fluid in the womb. He did a thorough pelvic exam. There was no pooling of fluid, so he did not think the amniotic sac was ruptured. The baby's head is engaged in the pelvis, but there really isn't any action happening to the cervix. It is soft and shortening, but no dilation yet. So, I am not expecting the baby to come anytime too soon. For those wondering, the due date is tomorrow. This is the due date according to my fertility sign charting (so it is according to my exact ovulation day). If you go from my last menstrual period like most women in the world do, the due date would have been this past Monday, 20 April.
But I like what Dr. Bradley of the Bradley method has to say about due dates. He says that no one is ever overdue. The baby comes when he/she is ready and in God's timing. Dr. Franz Naegele made the 40 week/10 lunar month rule back in the 1800's because of his assumptions. More recent research (published in 1990 from Harvard) shows that the median length of pregnancy is 41 weeks and 1 day. And, of course, this is in the bell shape curve (that we all know) so that the baby can come days or weeks before or after this. So, we will see when the little Cookey comes, but for now, he/she seems very content continuing to bake in my healthy uterus. I will try to keep you updated if any changes in progress occur.
Yes, little Sugar is on his/her own timing! You'll be holding that precious baby before you know it!