Sunday, May 3, 2009

First Sunday

Today was Michaela's first Sunday. The newly created family went to church and arrived with the usual tardiness that is a Cookey family trademark. During the service we were waiting for a blood curdling scream to emanate from our little one. We were happy to see that she gave us the visual signals of her hunger before it led to the less desirable verbal signals. After church we headed to Mainz-Kastel in search of flowers for our "window" boxes. She slept contently in her car seat for the entire trip and continued her nap for an hour after we came home. We are hoping these long afternoon naps do not translate to long hours of crying in the night. Currently, she is making the transition to life outside the womb quite well and is a very content baby. We are so blessed. Additionally, we have been blessed by so many friends here in Germany. The generosity includes meals, hand me downs, gifts, a wooden stork, and the list goes on. It has been a humbling experience. To all of you, we give deep thanks.


  1. She's beautiful...truly a gift from above! Keep the pictures coming since I'm too far away to kiss her! XOXO

  2. What a beautiful little girl you have . . . congratulations!!!! We are so happy for you and look forward to meeting Michaela in person when you come for a visit.

    beth and rick mckinney

  3. She was lovin' life in that car seat--rockin' her baggy yellow socks and stripped hoody--with snaps--and one cuff rolled for good measure. Go Michaela.

  4. Congratulations again! She is beautiful! What a precioius gift from God!

  5. I so wish I could kiss her toes. She is so cute. Everyone at work thinks she is just beuatiful. I posted a picture in the break room. Can't wait to talk to you.
