Tuesday, February 3, 2009

27 weeks and counting

Here are pics I took of myself at 27 weeks (January 24). My co-worker happened to see them today when I was showing her pics of other things and said I have definitely grown in the past week and a half and need to take more. So, to be continued... (as the growing continues).


  1. Beautiful! Pregnancy definitely agrees with you! You wearing those maternity pants you bought the day we found out I was pregnant? =)I'm so glad I got to share that moment with you! Miss you!

  2. I would like to share with the other readers that I was with the gym last Friday with this prego and a total stranger told her she is "a cute pregnant woman." Very true.

  3. Kim, it's not actually those pants in the pic, but I am wearing them right now! That was such a fun day! Miss you too!
