Friday, August 14, 2009


Hello! Just wanted to apologize for the long period of no blogging. We had a wonderful trip back to the States for the majority of July into the first week of August, and it is taking me awhile to get back in the groove. Really there is so much to blog about with Michaela meeting so many people while we were home that I was procrastinating it more because I didn't know where to start exactly. Michaela had a lot of firsts in the past month, and so I guess we will start here with a photo of her first flight. It was July 12th, and she did great! (which was an answer to prayer) About 4 hours into the flight, she got a little fussy, so we took turns bouncing her in the back of the plane for about an hour, and then I was able to sit with her, feed her, etc. She was even entertained for almost an hour just looking at a magazine, and then proceeded to fall asleep as we landed (her usual bedtime in Germany and right after this photo was taken hence the sleepy look). The flight back here was even better because she slept the entire flight since it was night time on the East coast. More to come about our trip soon.

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